Welcome to Omega Functional Health in Wheat Ridge, CO, proudly serving the West Denver area. We offer cutting-edge neurological approach to harmonize the brain to improve cognitive health, mental-behavioral health, neurodevelopmental conditions.
Brain balancing is a specialized functional approach to assess and neurologically rehabilitate neural pathways for optimal function. The general population we serve with brain balance are children ages 5-12 years old. Taking a developmental approach, the goal is to enhance cognitive function, fosters healthy developmental growth, enhance autonomic function, and optimize brain performance. Our expertise and foundation of brain balance is through Melillo MethodTM.
Autistic Spectrum
Defiance Disorders or Behavioral dysregulations
Sensory Processing
Balance & coordination Issues
No child alike, and brain balance approach consists of a series of modalities used in a specific manner to achieve measurable results. Hence the following are key components in brain balancing:
Comprehensive Assessment
Cutting-edge Technologies:
Utilizing state-of-the-art technologies to help rewire and balance dysfunctional brain patterns include:
Primitive Reflex Integration
Cold laser therapy
Vagus/Trigeminal Nerve stimulation
Video game therapy
Vestibular Therapy
Pulsed Radio Frequency
Nutritional Support:
Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting optimal brain function. Our team will provide guidance and recommendations to ensure your child is supplied with the right nutrients for optimal
Guided Lifestyle Modifications
We believe in a holistic approach to wellness, which includes addressing lifestyle factors that may impact your child’s nervous system. We will work with you to make appropriate lifestyle modifications that promote overall health and well-being.
Enhanced Cognitive Function: Improve memory, focus, and overall cognitive performance.
Emotional Well-being: Attain greater emotional resilience and stress management.
Optimized Brain Communication: Foster efficient communication between different regions of the brain for improved overall function.
Personalized Approach: Every Brain Balancing program is uniquely crafted to address your specific needs and goals.
Ready to take a holistic approach to address your child’s challenges? Call us at (720) 780-0400 or book a consultation online to talk to doctors. Our team of dedicated professionals at Omega Functional Health are ready to assist you in optimzing your child’s neurological health and quality of life.