Our Team

Dr. Sam


Hello there! I'm Dr. Sam McDonald, a friendly face at Omega Functional Health, where I lead as the functional health chiropractor. My mission is simple: I want to be your guide in overcoming health challenges and reclaiming the joy in your life. Many patients feel lost in their health journey, and that's why I love working one-on-one with each of you. I celebrate your victories and support you through every step of your care, making sure we add richness back into your life.

Dr. Lynn


Hello! I'm Dr. Lynn Tran, a functional health chiropractor at Omega Functional Health, where I focus on building strong connections with my patients. Many individuals facing long-term challenges express a need for guidance, understanding, and active participation in their healing journey. In our office, care is a collaborative effort, with your commitment playing a key role in achieving lasting results.